Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Teens and Technology

The article discusses a study released in January 2010 by the Kaiser Family Foundation on 8- to 18-year olds and their daily of use of entertainment media. The study found the use of media, television, music players, internet and video games, of this age group averages 7 ½ hours a day. The article then focuses on the role parents have in monitoring teen use of media. Parents should set limits and rules on media use; which has been shown to decrease the amount of use by their teenagers. The next focus is on schools and their role in “setting parameters” for technology use by teenagers. Some offerings include cyber safety courses and banning cell phones from classrooms. Yet the article points out how technology in schools is often used to engage students and connect them to the learning. The article ends with suggestions, primarily for parents, on how to monitor their teenagers’ technology use. The page may auto refresh to the top, showing new advertisers, before one finishes reading the entire article.

This was an interesting read and is definitely something I will keep in mind as my own kids continue to grow. If the study were done in Togiak I think the results would be very different. We don’t yet have cell phones, and less than half the students have internet at home. The article and the study did not talk a lot about content, except to mention that parents have a responsibility to monitor, but I have been surprised at the number of violent movies my middle school students watch and want to discuss while they are at school.

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